Using the Emacs Plugin

After installation, the CodeGrade Emacs plugin can be used. The plugin offers two main functions: editing rubrics and giving line feedback.


It is important to note that this package does not yet check if the file-system if mounted in --fixed mode, please make sure it is when giving line feedback.

Editing rubric

To edit a rubric you call the codegrade-open-rubric function. This opens a rubric in a new buffer with the major mode codegrade-rubric-mode that you can edit. To toggle a rubric item you can call codegrade-toggle-rubric-item which is bound to c and , by default in the codegrade-rubric-mode. You can goto the next item with codegrade-goto-next-item (bound to n) and to the previous item with codegrade-goto-previous-item (bound to p). To goto next or previous headers use the codegrade-goto-*-header functions (bound to N and P by default).

To quit this rubric you should use the codegrade-rubric-close function, bound to q.


The opened buffer follows you around. So if you open another submission by another user the rubric buffer automatically updates. See the first line of this buffer to see which person you are grading.

Line feedback

To edit line feedback you can call the codegrade-add-feedback function on a line. This opens a new buffer in the codegrade-feedback-mode mode. You can save the contents in this buffer and quit by calling codegrade-feedback-close (bound to C-c C-c by default). To quit without saving you can call codegrade-feedback-quit, bound to C-c C-k by default.

You can also delete a line of feedback by calling codegrade-delete-feedback. To see the feedback of a line you can call codegrade-get-feedback.

Giving grades

You can also give a grade using this plugin. Simply call codegrade-give-grade and input a number between 0 and 10.